Monday, November 22, 2010

EDIM502 Meeting the NETS-S via Web 2.0 Tools for Communication, Collaboration and Publishing

According to the International Society for Technology in Education's National Education Standards for Students, there is an expectation that "students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. " Web 2.0, the vehicle that has empowered pur society to become contributors to the web and not just consumers, has given the educator the ability to use this ever evolving technological tool to shape and craft learning experiences in a new, unique and compelling matter.

In Newark, specifically, I can recall how one class and  a school-based technology coordinator took an international penpal project and gave it a virtual upgrade.  PenPals 2.0  started with using ePals, a safe email solution for students. Using the teacher forum, the technology coordinator reached out, searching to find a school that was willing to exchange cookie recipes in search of the best recipes.  A school, located in France, made the connection.  Students started out by exchanging cookie recipes, baking the cookies as prescribed and authoring written reviews about the cookies.  This simple exchange, entitled "Thats the Way the Cookie Crumbles", evolved into extended experiences.  These students and educators remained in  constant communication with one another and participated in a plethora of collaborative projects and exchanges that truly fostered and encouraged communication and collaboration.  Students worked together and surveyed each other (via Survey Monkey)  on authentic topics  like becoming green citizens, genetic traits, and understanding and celebrating cultural and gender differences.  For four years these students shared poetry, podcasts, videos, art work, prose, cards, and other creative products through both electronic and snail mail exchanges.  Prior to the technology coordinator's retirement, she developped a Ning, entittled, "What Genes are You Wearing?" centered around Genetics where the students participated in discussion threads about dominant and recessive traits, posted pictures of themselves displaying the traits discussed,  shared student-created quizzes, took surveys and analyzed results, and posted messages and valuable feedback in a one-stop shop environment.  These students and teachers continue to share a relationship that crossed the shores via the power of technology and Web 2.0.  These experiences overall managed to breathe life and dimension into teaching and learning for all who were involved.  Meeting the NETS-S was definitely achieved as students used "creativity and innovation", via "communication and collaboration", proving themselves as "critical thinkers and problem solvers"  with their actions as "digital citizens" who managed to learn and incorporate "new technologies" to diversify and deepen their knowledge base about content knowledge through exchanges with another culture.

International Society for Technology in Education (2007) "NETS Student Standards 2007." ISTE NETS. Retrieved November 22, 2010, from:

Friday, October 22, 2010

Problem Based Learning Exemplars (EDIM502INB_201030B u01a1)

Upon reading three Edutopia articles and viewing videos that address best practices in Problem Based Learning, I had the pleasure of catching a birdseye glimpse of multiple experiences that involved three different educational institutions.   All three urban academic institutions had some commonalities that made teaching exciting and learning systemic and engaging.  From exploring the underground world or worms, to designing a school of tomorrow, to following the flight of the butterfly, one could definitely see that all educators involved  "worked hard to create a program that meets students' academic, emotional, and creative needs".  Teachers worked arduously behind the scenes preplanning and crafting the PBL to ensure that students truly constructed their own learning.

Under the circumstances of each PBL scenario, inquiry led to exploration.  Students, who are naturally inquisitive, were given opportunities to construct and frame what they wanted to learn.  In Newport News, Virginia. circumstances that were a part of their lives (i.e., World Wrestling Federation, pets, and a classmate with Cystic Fibrosis), gave the students a plethora of subjects to immerse themselves in  a sojourn of study and exploration. In Seattle, creating an ideal environment conducive to learning in an aesthetic environment, led the students on a journey where they applied their knowledge of geometry to architecture and design.

"Real World Application" was also a common thread prevelent in all three articles.  In Bowie, Maryland, students were exploring the migration of monarch butterflies in real time, communicating and exchanging thoughts with others beyond the confines of the classroom and sharing data internationally.  Students created tulip gardens to attract the butterflies for authentic observation.  In both Seattle, Washington and Newport News, Virginia, students had the opportunity to work with "real world" experts (i.e., architects, nurses) and were the recipients of real expert support and feedback.

At the culmination of each project throughout all of the exemplary PBL examples, students had to present and communicate their findings to an audience beyond their classmates (i.e., parents, community stakeholders, experts).  Technology integration was seamlessly and appropriately applied to all of the projects (i.e., PowerPoint, AutoCAD, digital graphic organizers).  Schools were able to document exponential growth in meeting the proficiencies addressed in their high stakes testing and rigorous state standards. One teacher expressed that in order to effectively implement PBL, one must "...know our curriculum. We've got to know the standards inside and out,".  All of these projects utilized a detailed rubric that emphasized, technology use, teamwork dynamics, creativity, collaboration, and content.

Most importantly, student enthusiasm for learning, was clearly articulated by the students in all three exemplary schools.  "If you find it yourself, it stays in your brain," one student expressed.  The students retained what they learned and found that learning beyond the textbook was far more exciting. "This project has been my salvation," as stated by one student is evidence that students who experience quality, authentic PBL are involved in dynamic, flexible, multi-faceted learning they will never forget.


Armstrong, S. (2002) "Geometry students angle into architecture through project learning." Retrieved October 21, 2010, from

Curtis, D. (2001) "More fun than a barrel of . . . worms?!" Retrieved October 21, 2010, from

Curtis, D. (2002) "March of the monarchs: students follow the butterflies' migration." Retrieved October 21, 2010, from

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Make a Digital Wish!

Digital Wish is a non-profit website that places technology tools and opportunities into the hands of innovative teachers who  propel equipped 21st century  scholars into the future.  Similiar to Donors Choose, teachers can register for the website, submit grant applications, find lesson plans and tools for instruction on this website.  Flip Video, Olympus, School Tube and the NEA are proud partners of this website. Once you log in for yourself, you will see why.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Artsonia- The World's Largest Kids' Art Museum

Are you or your art teachers looking for a place to publish and share your students' artistic creations?  Look no further.  Artsonia, a partner with the National Art Education Association,  is a great place to showcase student work, find art lesson plan starters, and purchase memorabilia like mugs, t-shirts, or tote bags featuring student work.  Parents can take a virtual tour of their child's artwork and purchase items.  15% of the sales proceeds  will go to the school.  Isn't that great!  Creating an account with Artsonia is free.  Thank you Ronda Wright for sharing this resource.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Cybersafety... Tools you can use with your students to promote awareness

The Newark Public Schools created a Cybersafety eBoard to promote the safe and responsible use of technology. This site provides a myriad of resources that will help parents, students, and teachers understand the importance of using the internet with wisdom and caution.  Using this tool will provide  the user with videos, interactives, and websites that will show the end user how to be cyber safe.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

All about SMARTboard Technology: SMART Exchange and SMART Notebook Express

Are you looking for a place to find interactive whiteboard lessons created for teachers by teachers?  Try the SMART Exchange.  This portal/database was designed to provide a virtual space where teachers can share lessons, find standards-aligned interactive lessons, and connect with colleagues from various places via forums.  One can even win a prize for sharing valuable resources with the SMART Exchange.

If you do not have immediate access to the SMART Notebook software and need to use your interactive whiteboard, try SMART Notebook Express.  This web tool will allow you to use notebook files with your interactive whiteboard online without downloading the software.

Click here to see the most recent SMART EDCompass Newsletter

Click here to view the SMART Notebook 10 Basics.

FYI: SMARTBoard Website got a facelift. Take a look.

Click here to find High School SMART Board Resources

Witchita Public Schools also has some great SMART Resouces.  Click here to check out their resources.

Creating eBooks Using PowerPoint

Using common technology tools like Microsoft PowerPoint, a digital camera and a microphone, teachers and students can easily create their own original talking electronic books. These books can be "played" on a computer. Another classroom application of the PowerPoint eBook is to use the same technology to create digital "Big Books" for class reading and other activities. Converting your eBook into a Big Book simply requires a projector connected to your computer and a screen.

Utilizing the highest level on Bloom's taxonomy, creating eBooks could satisfy the following New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards:

  • 3.1 (Reading)
  • 3.2 (Writing)
  • 3.3 (Speaking)
  • 3.4 (Listening)
  • 3.5 (Viewing and Media Literacy)

  • 8.1 (Technological Literacy)

Creating an eBook requires some very simple steps. We can follow these steps to create an eBook.
  1. Create a story (Using construction paper and markers)
  2. Digitally capture story pages (Using a digital camera or scanner).

  3. Create a PowerPoint Presentation
    1. Insert Slides (each slide if for a storybook page)
    2. Insert Digital Story Pages
    3. Narrate each story page

    4. Insert Action Buttons (Arrows)
      1. Next Page

  4. Enhance Presentation
    1. Color Background
    2. Slide Transition (to simulate turning pages)
  5. Save eBook and "Package for CD"
Click here to view a sample PowerPoint eBook.

Friday, April 30, 2010

EDIM 508- Developing the Respectful and Ethical mind via Google Earth

Service is the rent we pay for living on this planet.” – Marion Wright Edelman

As global citizens, it is critical that our students develop ethical and respectful minds. Gardner states, "respect is equally important at the workplace and in civil society."(pg 116) With this in mind, this Google Earth Virtual Field trip seeks the whet the appetite for global stewardship in our middle school student.  Through a cross continental journey to countries that have needs and meeting real individuals who served to help their fellow global neighbors, this project hopes to have every middle school student impacted by this experience will develop a heightened sense of global empathy and improved global competency.  In short, on this journey, students will meet several Peace Corps volunteers, understand how each served in his assignment, and appreciate the value in the art of serving others.  

This project embodies the "Four  Ms"  mentioned by Gardner ("signposts toward the achievement of good work")  (Gardner pg. 148-149)
1. Mission- This project specifically tries to achieve the enduring understanding that within this world, there are places and people with great needs.  It would benefit all if we did our part to help others to improve their quality of life.

2. Models- Through this project, students are provided with models of service.  Multimedia was used to show them real people, positive individuals who "embodied good work" to serve others. 

3. Mirror test-individual version- Through the final assessment, an open ended question at the end of the journey, the student is asked if he can envision himself as a peace corps volunteer.  It also calls for further reflection, asking him where and how would he serve as a volunteer.

4. Mirror test-professional responsibility-This project seeks to call every student who participates into the spirit of collective global social responsibility to oneself and others.

It is my hope that we can use this virtual field trip as a preliminary lesson prior to the launch of our district's Journeys in Film pilot project.  It would benefit our students greatly if they can witness first hand the lasting impact of global community service through web 2.0 and multimedia.

Gardner, H. (2007). Five minds for the future. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

EDIM 508 - An Educational Blog Worth Following
Since 2007, Richard Byrne managed to bring his blog, Free Technology for Teachers, to the forefront of many educators' minds- 19,000+ to be approximate.  His resourceful, busy blog has a prominent RSS feed spot on the Ning I use to keep school-based technology coordinators abreast of current and future trends in educational technology and various free resources in information communications and collaboration technologies. This blog served as the catalyst that encouraged me to start a professional learning resource blog for teachers and coordinators in the City of Newark. 

I specifically love the way he introduces the free tool and specifically provides tangible, practical applications of each tool in the classroom.  It is the model I use when I post to my blog.

His blog posts definitely encourage the development of the Five Minds as summarized by Howard Gardner:
-Disciplined - As a Social Studies teacher, he provides many tools and resources to help teachers who teach the "scholarly discipline", history
-Synthesizing- I have personally used a  resource he shared on his blog, Yudu to help a school create online e-books and magazines with second graders who authored and illustrated stories about nutrition and making healthy choices.  Upon creating these books, one can embed them onto blogs or websites.  He also has a slide share that speaks on connecting the disciplines with web tools.
-Creating- Mr. Byrnes shows teachers how to map global learning and the arts by referring to  Imagine as a teacher, taking your students on a virtual field trip to help them make connections to the world through locating the origins of a piece of art or artist. is a resource Mr. Byrnes exposed us to through his blog, this site helps us nurture the respectful mind by providing a virtual chat centered around web content.  Students can collaboratively work together to analyze and assess the effectiveness and appropriateness of websites.  Its a great way to promote media literacy.
-Ethical-"Everyone Does it ... Lessons in Internet Ethics" is an awesome post from this blog.  This post provides teachers with various ways and opportunities to expose students to conversations and experiences centered around ethical practices and decision-making.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

EDIM 508 - Web Resources that Encourage Respectful and Ethical Minds

According to Julene Reed, “Tomorrow’s citizens must be global communicators, must be able to participate successfully in project-based activities, and must have collaborative skills.”Global competency and education are certainly essential tools for the 21st century learner. With these sentiments in mind, I can think of some really nice web resources that encourage purposeful and relevant collaborative experiences with students that would foster and encourage the respectful and ethical minds described in Howard Gardner's book:.

Adobe Youth Voices-

Using multimedia software to engage and encourage our middle level-high school students to tell their digital stories, Adobe Youth Voices, empowers students to "create with purpose" with the hopes of encouraging stewardship and community activism. This website provides educators with wonderful resources that will help them plan, shape and implement engaging projects that integrate the use of dynamic multimedia software.

MAGPI (Mid-Atlantic Gigapop in Philadelphia for Internet2)

MAGPI provides ample resources for an international network of K-12 educators, experts and students who participate in real-time, global experiences and projects via interactive video exchanges. In short, MAGPI serves as an ITV  “dating service” for educators, experts and students, providing the bridge that links educational vision, concepts and lesson plan objectives to hundreds of unique rich, authentic and compelling virtual experiences. Here are two examples of inquiry-based projects sponsored by MAGPI:

Arts and Humanities- Culture Convergence: Religion in Taiwan
Students in Taiwan provide a live presentation to American students to enlighten them about their culture and religious beliefs. The goal is to provide students with cultures that transcend beyond the boundaries of the western world.

Mathematics - International Math Challenge (grades 3-5)
Taking on the role of teacher, students are challenged to teach there global peers math games. This is a fun way to have a cultural exchange through learning math.

PeaceCorps World Wise Schools

This website brings the Peace Corps experience to life for both educators and students. One can't help but become empathetic toward others and excited about providing some level of service to a community that transcends beyond the backyard. Through this website you can:
-Connect to Peace Corps Volunteers via Correspondence
-Invite Peace Corps Volunteers to make a classroom visit
-Engage students through a plethora of lesson plans that link to true stories, folk tales, and letters from Peace Corps Volunteers
- Discover what is like to be a Peace Corps Volunteer, via Podcast, Video, Slide Show or by Playing the Interactive Peace Corps Challenge Game

Thursday, April 15, 2010

EDIM 508 - Glogster and the Creative Mind

As a resource teacher coordinator, my focus is on professional development for technology coordinators and teachers.  Last year, while attending NECC in Washington DC, I was exposed to Glogster.  I immediately shared it with my technology coordinators.  In addition, I posted glogster on this same blog months ago.  My next step perhaps will be working with technology coordinators and classroom teachers to produce a large catelogue of glogs that can be used as learning center activities that are in alignment to our district's curriculum and instructional initiatives.  These glogs can be embedded on a district eBoard that can be shared as a resource by every school in the district. 

My next model glog will focus on cybersafety and the ethical use of online technology.  This will address our state's core curriculum technology standard (Cummulative Progress Indicator #8.1.8.D.1)-"Model appropriate online behaviors related to cyber safety, cyber bullying, cyber security, and cyber ethics.".   This glog can be used as a preparation tool for our grade 8 technology proficiency assessment.  This will also facilitate an opportunity to talk to our students and encourage them to use ethics and care when navigating the waves of the internet.

After numerous school walk-throughs (by external consultants, state and district officials), schools were cited for lack of technology use in the classroom.  Teachers use the technology in the lab, few are comfortable using the instructional computers as learning centers for students. Having these great resources available on hand, will enable teachers to have something to use immediately in their classroom technology learning centers.  The glogs will also serve as models for teachers to use when they are looking to create their own glogs for their students to use in the classroom.

As we work to get teachers comfortable with using these glogs, we can start asking them how can they see their students producing and creating glogs instructionally within the courses they teach?  During center creativity sessions, we can focus on and highlight some student-created glogs to show teachers that students too, can use this awesome tool.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

EDIM 508 - Web 2.0 Platforms that Support the Digital Artist

If you have a student who is a digital artist, Aviary is the site that will give your student an opportunity to create and share and edit the various media types such as: images, audio, or vector graphics. Students can use this tool within or outside of the classroom to create media to enhance their learning across many aspects of the curriculum. (

Students can also use Splashup to edit and enhance, re-touch, and edit multiple digital photographs.  This tool has the potential to create really, attractive, professional graphic design. (

One cannot forget Google Sketchup.  Students can create three dimensional models with this web 2.0 tool.  I have observed classrooms (Architects in Training)  that have used Sketchup to create 3-D virtual scaled models of their classroom layout. (

Here are some curricular examples of how students can use Aviary,  Splashup, or Sketchup:

Language Arts: Students can create a book jackets or magazine covers of a novel or an author they are currently studying.  Google Sketchup can be used to create the set of a scene for a play.

Science: Students can create a graphical representation of a scientific system he/she is currently studying.  These digitally design images can be used as classroom learning posters.(i.e. A student can create a poster demonstrating his/her knowledge of the water cycle or the digestive system).  Sketchup can give future engineers early exposure to CAD-design concepts.

Social Studies/Current Events: Students can use the audio editing component of  Aviary to create a first person podcast account of a prominent person or event in history.  Students can use Aviary create a "radio show" to keep fellow school mates abreast of current issues and trending topics. (i.e. Census 2010: The Importance of Being Counted).  Google Sketch-up will enable students to create virtual diarhamas. 

Math: Students can create classroom posters to visually demonstrate mnemonics, logarithms or math concepts/vocabulary frequently used in his/her classroom using images and graphics (i.e. FOIL- First Outer Inner Last or the Lattice Method of Multiplication).  Students can also create music via Aviary to reinforce a math skill (i.e. multiplication hip-hop), Students can use Sketchup to explore three dimensional shapes and scaling in math.

These tools are free of charge; the only necessary tools are a computer, the internet, and a creative mind.  The three tools mentioned above will provide students and teachers a platform that will allow them to thrive in our current society where "creativity is sought after, cultivated, and praised." (Gardner pg. 77)

Gardner, H. (2007). Five minds for the future. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

EDIM 508 Developing the creating mind via Monster Exchange

Since 1995, the Monster Exchange (, has empowered over 200,000 elementary students (grades K-8) to create and exchange twin monsters via descriptive writing and drawings (digital or any other medium).  How cool is that?

Reading, writing and creativity form a bond as students draw their monsters, write detailed, descriptions of their monsters and exchange the description of the monster with a peer.  The peer then draws the monster based on the description and shares with the author his/her creation.  If the monster matches the original monster drawing then, voila! The reader was able to interpret the writers description beautifully.  If not, the original artist/author can reflect upon his/her work to revise and edit the writing to ensure an accurate interpretation.  Or the reader can determine if he/she comprehended the description.  Students scan and /or upload both the original and redrawn monsters to see if they are a matching set.  The pictures can be seen in a monster gallery for review and peer feedback.  This program promotes and encourages global monster exchanges.

Creativity is definitely evident in this project website and  resource. If you are looking to go beyond the conventional crayons and paper, you can use Microsoft Paint, Tux Paint ( ), Kidspiration or sketchfu ( ) to create the monster digitally for exchange.

Participating in this project definitely typifies the "realization of creativity" (Gardner pg. 80) per Csikszentmihalyi's description of three autonomous elements interacting together to invoke the existence of creativity:
1.  The individual who has mastered some discipline (i.e. The student writer who has mastered descriptive, detailed writing)
2.  The cultural domain in which the indvidual is working (i.e. Utilizing the Monster Exchange website to upload descriptive writing and  original artistic work.)
3.  The social field - the opportunity to perform (i.e. Peers creating the twin monster per the description, feedback from participants) (Gardner pg. 80-81)

Gardner, H. (2007). Five minds for the future. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.

Friday, April 2, 2010

EDIM 508 - Reflections Place Value Center Activity

The media infused presentation I created is intended to give second grade students a variety of audio/visual and interactive experiences to enhance the understanding of whole number place value to the hundreds place. This PowerPoint presentation can be used in part for a whole group model demonstration or it can be used as an independent student learning center activity in class or at home. Students can follow the activities in sequence at their own pace and take an assessment at the end to evaluate their understanding.

This presentation helps foster the development of the disciplined mind because it gives children ample opportunities to "approach the topic in a variety of ways", most of the video scenarios were authentic, problem based, and require the students to think about a solution to resolve an issue (i.e. grouping lollipops in tens and hundreds to count two and three digit quantities) and it set up an opportunity for students to demonstrate a "performance of understanding" (Gardner pg. 33-34).  The final activity requires the students to take on the role of a game show contestant to compete against the computer or a classmate to demonstrate his/her understanding of place value.    In the multimedia presentation created, the students are given six diverse activities and interactive experiences to "study deeply, over a significant amount of time, using a variety of examples and modes of analysis" (Gardner pg. 33).

This multimedia presentation center also helps to foster the development of the synthesizing mind through taking an interdisciplinary approach to understanding place value by making connections through problem-solving, narrative, fairy tail, music, and connecting math to the real world.  This activity modeled "the ability to knit together information from disparate sources [Discovery Education Website] into a coherent whole" (Gardner pg. 46).  This project reflected the components of synthesis- a goal  (description of the learning objective and curriculum content standard) , a starting point (directions to guide both teacher and student), a selection of approach ( a sequence of activities), and an opportunity for feedback from its end user (evaluation/assessment). (Gardner pg. 51-52).  Students are especially engaged by the powerful use of image, audio and video in this multimedia presentation.


Gardner, H. (2007). Five minds for the future. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

EDIM 508 The Synthesizing Mind

For my Digital Media class at Wilkes University, I was asked to "share a classroom strategy (e.g., project, activity) that incorporates the use of digital resources in an interdisciplinary approach."

Last year, I worked with a school based-technology coordinator to support an interdisciplinary team of 5th grade teachers and students who worked on a project comparing careers in the colonial times to current 21st century careers.  This project managed to involve the following disciplines:
  • Social Studies- Students learned about the colonial life and times in America.
  • Mathematics- Students compared the salaries of a doctor from the colonial times to the 21st century physician and analyzed the cost of living during both periods.
  • Workplace Readiness- Students compared the educational and professional development requirements of the colonial doctor to the 21st century physician.
  • Technology- Students compared the equipment and tools of the colonial doctor to that of the 21st century physician.
  • Language Arts Literacy - Students created  a 1st person narrative script that simulated the life and times of  a colonial physician.
The use of technology was evident throughout the entire project.  The educational team worked to provide students with ample opportunities to develop  "the ability to knit together information from disparate sources into a coherent whole".  (Gardner pg. 46) The teachers worked collectively to establish the essential question and develop the curriculum map using the curriculum mapping software endorsed by Heidi Hayes Jacobs. Students conducted and edited an video interview with a 21st century physician using a digital video camera and Windows MovieMaker.   Students also utilized their 1st person script to create a podcast depicting the life of a colonial physician using a headset with a microphone and Audacity.  The interview and podcast were embedded in a multimedia PowerPoint presentation that students used to present their final project to their peers, parents, teachers, and Heidi Hayes Jacobs during our annual district-wide middle-level conference.

Gardner, H. (2007). Five minds for the future. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Illuminations Presents: Calculation Nation

Created by the National Council of the Teachers of Mathematics, Calculation Nation, allows upper elementary and middle school students to challenge themselves and others across the nation in the arena of arithemetic. Calculation Nation provides 8 interactive games that address various concepts such as:
  • Perimeter
  • Factors
  • Fractions
  • Multiples
  • Angles
  • Symmetry
  • Sums of 1
  • Coefficients and Variables

Using an ePals email account, students can log in to challenge others.  If your students don't have ePals accounts, they can enter the nation as a guest and challenge have the computer serve as their opponent.



Tuesday, March 23, 2010

EDIM 508: Flips, Slides and Turns with Discovery Education- Great for Grade 3

I had an assignment for class to select a video segment about a topic I may teach. I chose flips slides and turns. This video is a tool I can use with third grade students to help them gain a better understanding of flips, slides, and turns.

My goal is to help 3rd grade students gain an increased understanding of the mathematical (geometrical) terms: flip, slide and turn. I chose this topic in particular because according to our district's assessment data, our students are having a difficult time grasping geometrical concepts.

There are several different ways we can use this digital media link in the classroom:
1. It would be a great tool to use as an anticipatory set during whole group instuction.

2. I can embed this video on a blog to share with my parents to demonstrate what we worked on today as a class. Our parents can use this tool to equip themselves to help their children with the evening's homework.

3. I can also embed this video on my student eBoard. During center time, my students can view this video as reinforcement of the concept and create examples of flips, slides and turns on a teacher-created PowerPoint Slide template (linked to the eBoard note), using autoshapes and the move tools.

4. If a student was absent on the day I taught the class, they can use the video to catch up on the learning. To assess their understanding, I can have the student re-create a similiar "video" in his/her own voice using Tux Paint, a mic, and Camtasia (Jing).

5. I can have a cooperative group, view the video and prepare a "lesson" for the rest of the class. With guidance,we can work together, watch the video and have the cooperative group teach their peers flips, slides, and turns. The video would be a part of the lesson to the whole group of course.

Other components I would include in the lesson in addition to the video: - I would have students create videos in their own voice to explain the terms: flip, slide, and turn and find real examples in the classroom, design and art (i.e. classroom layout, Fendi, Gucci, Escher). Once the videos are created, we would submit them to this site for approval. Children teaching children may make a difference.

-Cha Cha Slide - This song is a favorite with my students. After performing the cha cha slide, we would discuss where the math terms we are learning apply. This would appeal to my kinesthetic and musical students (that would be most of them...)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Share Tabs - A neat way to share your favorite websites.

This website allows you to share multiple websites with your colleagues and students with ease.  Essentially, you copy and paste the urls of all of the websites you want to share and you will get a single link to all of the sites in a convenient format.  Once you share the link, which would be in the form of a customized url, your links will  display as thumbnails and as tabs on an internet browser.

Here's an example sharetab site with social studies resources:

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

You Convert It! Free Online Media File Conversion Website

Has Zamzar let you down?  Don't worry about it.  You Convert It! is a website that will quickly take your files and convert them into any format you can imagine. 

Here's how I used it recently: A colleague is trying to convert all of her flip mp4 files into a video format she can use to edit with Windows MovieMaker. We uploaded the files and converted into them into .wmv files with ease. Immediately these converted files were available on my email account for immediate download. You can use this site to convert files on youtube for class use.

Go to to convert your media files as needed.  It even makes flash video files!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Scholastic Activities for SmartBoards

Go to this website to get wonderful interactive activity downloads created for your smartboard use by Scholastic.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Black History Month Projects and Resources

Thinkfinity is featuring some pretty awesome lesson plans, activities and resources for Black History Month.

"Searching for Black History Month lesson plans, activities and resources? Listen to black scientists. Use social and behavioral science to study the work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Trace the blues. Ride The Underground Railroad. And through it all, discover the contributions of African Americans to our nation's history."  -

Go to this link to view and use worthwhile resources from National Geographic, ArtsEdge, Science Net Links, and many more valued contributors:

Monday, January 25, 2010

Read Write Think Gets a Facelift!

The International Reading Association has given the Read Write Think website a new look.  Since 2002, this site continues to be the premier website for Language Arts Literacy educators. Hundreds of lesson plans, interactive activities, printouts and calendar activities are available on this site.  This is a classic site that is definitely worth its weight in gold- and this site is resource heavy! 

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Send an email to your future self!

Future Me is a web tool that will allow you to email yourself reminders or other items at a later date.  You can make this message public or private.  I personally would advise keeping emails private. As a registered member of future me, you can even email others into the future.Thanks Lorenzo Cruz for sharing this resource with us!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Vocabahead- Enhance your Vocabulary Through Animated Video

"[WordAhead] makes learning hard words both fun and interactive for everyone. Especially useful for those preparing for SAT/ACT verbal tests."

This website is an awesome virtual warehouse of animated, engaging videos students can use to learn vocabulary. Students can create their own videos and share them on this website also. Thanks Janet Clark and Alex Gruskin for sharing this resource with us!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Women in Media Video Contest for Newark Students

The purpose of this contest is to encourage youth to think deeply about the significance of Women’s History Month, and the status of women both locally and globally; as well as to challenge youth (particularly young women), who are interested in careers in the film industry to perfect their skill set. To enter, students must create a three minute video which illustrates how the theme of this year’s festival “Breakthroughs in Courage” is exemplified in the lives of women. First, second and third place winners, as well as a People’s Choice winner will be selected. First place winner will receive one hundred dollars ($100). Second place winner will receive fifty dollars ($50), and third place winner will receive twenty five ($25). In the event more than one person creates the video, the cash amount will be divided between all participants. The First Place winning film will be screened at the Women’s History Month Film Festival on March 13, 2010. The four winning videos will be placed on

A panel of judges will select the winning videos.Youtube viewers comments will be used to select the People’s Choice winner. Video will be ineligible if it contains any derogatory depiction of individuals or groups based on age, race, sex, sexual orientation, ethnicity, mental/physical handicap or religious belief, or other discriminatory images, as well as if it contains language or other content deemed inappropriate by the judges. The video may not contain material that is inappropriate, indecent, obscene, hateful, defamatory, slanderous, or libelous.