Friday, May 28, 2010

Artsonia- The World's Largest Kids' Art Museum

Are you or your art teachers looking for a place to publish and share your students' artistic creations?  Look no further.  Artsonia, a partner with the National Art Education Association,  is a great place to showcase student work, find art lesson plan starters, and purchase memorabilia like mugs, t-shirts, or tote bags featuring student work.  Parents can take a virtual tour of their child's artwork and purchase items.  15% of the sales proceeds  will go to the school.  Isn't that great!  Creating an account with Artsonia is free.  Thank you Ronda Wright for sharing this resource.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Cybersafety... Tools you can use with your students to promote awareness

The Newark Public Schools created a Cybersafety eBoard to promote the safe and responsible use of technology. This site provides a myriad of resources that will help parents, students, and teachers understand the importance of using the internet with wisdom and caution.  Using this tool will provide  the user with videos, interactives, and websites that will show the end user how to be cyber safe.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

All about SMARTboard Technology: SMART Exchange and SMART Notebook Express

Are you looking for a place to find interactive whiteboard lessons created for teachers by teachers?  Try the SMART Exchange.  This portal/database was designed to provide a virtual space where teachers can share lessons, find standards-aligned interactive lessons, and connect with colleagues from various places via forums.  One can even win a prize for sharing valuable resources with the SMART Exchange.

If you do not have immediate access to the SMART Notebook software and need to use your interactive whiteboard, try SMART Notebook Express.  This web tool will allow you to use notebook files with your interactive whiteboard online without downloading the software.

Click here to see the most recent SMART EDCompass Newsletter

Click here to view the SMART Notebook 10 Basics.

FYI: SMARTBoard Website got a facelift. Take a look.

Click here to find High School SMART Board Resources

Witchita Public Schools also has some great SMART Resouces.  Click here to check out their resources.

Creating eBooks Using PowerPoint

Using common technology tools like Microsoft PowerPoint, a digital camera and a microphone, teachers and students can easily create their own original talking electronic books. These books can be "played" on a computer. Another classroom application of the PowerPoint eBook is to use the same technology to create digital "Big Books" for class reading and other activities. Converting your eBook into a Big Book simply requires a projector connected to your computer and a screen.

Utilizing the highest level on Bloom's taxonomy, creating eBooks could satisfy the following New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards:

  • 3.1 (Reading)
  • 3.2 (Writing)
  • 3.3 (Speaking)
  • 3.4 (Listening)
  • 3.5 (Viewing and Media Literacy)

  • 8.1 (Technological Literacy)

Creating an eBook requires some very simple steps. We can follow these steps to create an eBook.
  1. Create a story (Using construction paper and markers)
  2. Digitally capture story pages (Using a digital camera or scanner).

  3. Create a PowerPoint Presentation
    1. Insert Slides (each slide if for a storybook page)
    2. Insert Digital Story Pages
    3. Narrate each story page

    4. Insert Action Buttons (Arrows)
      1. Next Page

  4. Enhance Presentation
    1. Color Background
    2. Slide Transition (to simulate turning pages)
  5. Save eBook and "Package for CD"
Click here to view a sample PowerPoint eBook.